Income support and IMT exemption: Marcelo promulgates diplomas

Income support and IMT exemption: Marcelo promulgates diplomas

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa


The President of the Republic promulgated this Tuesday (June 18, 2024) the decree-law on income support and the decree of the parliament that exempts from IMT and stamp duty the purchase of a house by young people up to the age of 35.

These decisions by the head of state, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, were disclosed through two notes on the official website of the Presidency of the Republic, without commenting on the diplomas.

"The President of the Republic promulgated the decree of the Assembly of the Republic that authorizes the Government to exempt from Municipal Tax on Onerous Transfers of Property and Stamp Duty the purchase of own and permanent housing by young people up to the age of 35, through the amendment of the Municipal Tax Code on Onerous Property Transfers [IMT] and the Stamp Duty Code ", reads one of the notes.

In another note, it is informed that "the President of the Republic promulgated the Government diploma that amends Decree-Law no. 20-B/2023, of March 22, which creates extraordinary support for families to pay rent and the provision of credit agreements, and repeals the extension of the forced lease regime to vacant dwellings".

The decree-law on housing was approved by the Council of Ministers on May 27 and, according to the statement released at the end of that meeting, "repeals the forced or coercive lease regime applied to housing considered vacant" and "amends the legislation that creates extraordinary support to support families for the payment of rent and the provision of credit agreements".

"Regarding extraordinary support for rent payments, this regime is extended to tenants with lease contracts in force whose new contracts have the same object and the same parts of the lease contracts entered into until March 15, 2023," the same statement said.

The decree of the Assembly of the Republic on the purchase of own and permanent housing by young people, which applies to those up to 35 years of age, originating from a Government law proposal, was approved last Wednesday.

This decree that authorizes the government to exempt from IMT and stamp duty the purchase of a house by young people up to 35 years old had votes in favor of PSD, Chega IL, CDS, PP and PAN and votes against from PCP and Livre and abstentions from PS and BE.


